

형태기반코드의 구성요소 중 도시적 기준에 대한 연구 - 미국 캘리포니아주 산타아나시의 Transit Zoning Code를 중심으로 -


A Study on Urban Standards among Components of Form-Based Codes - Focused on Transit Zoning Code in City of Santa Ana, California, USA -

박성용, 안동준

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Throughout the process of modernization around the world, architectural and urban planning of most of cities has been planned on the basis of quantitative expansion. Therefore, it has obvious limitations in terms of mass production of uniform cityscape that does not reflect regional personality. In order to improve the disadvantages of the existing urban planning and zoning system, the newly proposed〝Form-Based Codes〞are based on the characteristics of the buildings and the space that reflect the regional characteristics. It is presented as an alternative to offset the shortcomings of the plan and is being introduced in many cities overseas. In this study, the Transit Zoning Code of Santa Ana City, which was established on the basis of Form-Based Codes, was analyzed based on the urban criteria that directly affect the composition of the building and the scale of street space, size, and height of the building, and it will suggest implications for the development of a urban space in many cities in Korea.


1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경1
1.2 연구의 목적 및 방법
2. 연구 대상
2.1 선정 배경
2.2 대상지역 개요
2.3 Transit Zoning Code(TZC)의 특성
2.4 연구대상의 범위
3. 사례 분석
3.1 규제 계획(Regulating Plan)
3.2 건축적 기준(Architectural Standards)
3.3 도시적 기준(Urban Standards)
3.4 사례분석 결과
4. 결론


  • 박성용 Park, Sung-Yong. 금오공과대학교 건축학부 조교수, AIA
  • 안동준 Ahn, Dong-Joon. 금오공과대학교 건축학부 부교수, AIA


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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