

제7차 로동당 대회를 통해 본 북한 김정은 정권의 교육정책


Kim Jung Un Regime's Education Policy Seen through the 7th Workers' Party Convention in North Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



7th Korea-DPRK Workers' Party Convention was hosted in 2016. The five-year strategy of national economic development was announced In order to achieve the national goal of building a strong socialist state, the goal of the education sector was to realize a talented person's power by improving the quality of education and to cultivate science and technology talents. Regarding the status and achievements of primary and secondary education, the report of the 7th Korea Workers' Party Convention mentioned 12 years of compulsory education system, full reorganization of curriculum, improvement of educational environment, Improving the process and educational environment, eliminating the educational gap in urban and rural areas, strengthening technical education, and improving the school system. The achievements of the higher education sector include the establishment of a distance education system and the expansion of universities. Policies in the higher education sector have raised the reform of the university system, the expansion of the education infrastructure of universities. The achievements in the field of lifelong education are the construction of the Science and Technology Complex, the nationwide installation of the Future Zone and the Science and Technology Promotion Office, and the policy is to increase the installation of the Science and Technology Information Office to expand the learning infrastructure of North Korean adult workers to increase the number of adult college students studying, to cultivate adults as knowledge workers with knowledge of college graduation, and to expand the adult education system by developing a remote education system. The North Korean government and the Korean Workers' Party are expected to continue to make efforts to address this issue in the future, as it will be affected by the issue of how the North Korean economy will improve.


북한은 2016년 7차 로동당대회를 개최하였다. 7차 로동당대회에서는 ‘국가경제발 전 5개년 전략’이 발표되었고, ‘사회주의 강성국가 건설’이라는 국가적 목표 달 성을 위해 교육분야의 목표로 교육사업의 질 개선을 통한 ‘인재강국’ 실현과 ‘전 민과학기술인재화’ 실현이 제시되었는데, 이는 김정은 정부의 핵-경제 병진노선의 교육적 반영으로 볼 수 있다. 7차 당대회에서 초·중등교육 분야에 관해 12년제 의무교육제 도입, 교육과정의 전면 개편, 교육환경의 개선 등이 언급되었고, 고등교육 분야에 대해서는 원격교육체 계 확립과 대학의 확대가 강조되었다. 그리고, 평생교육분야에 관해서는 과학기술전 당의 건설, 미래원과 과학기술보급실의 전국적 설치가 언급되었다. 교육부문의 목표 달성은 북한 경제가 얼마나 호전될 것인지 하는 문제의 영향을 받을 것이기도 하지만, 또한 반대로 그것에 영향을 줄 문제이기도 하기 때문에 북한 정부나 조선로동당으로서는 이 문제에 대해 앞으로 꾸준히 국가적 역량을 기울일 것으로 전망된다.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 7차조선로동당대회 개요
Ⅲ. 김정은 정권 교육정책 분석 및 전망
1. 초·중등교육정책
2. 고등교육정책
3. 평생교육정책
Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 김지수 Kim, Ji-soo. 한국교육개발원(KEDI), 부연구위원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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