


사회생태학적 관점에서 접근한 한,중 양국 아동의 신체활동 증진에 관한 연구


A Study on the Enhancement of Physical Activity of the Infant and Toddlers in Korea and China from the Viewpoint of Social Ecology

위하영, 송용관, 진현오

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, we focus on the Social Ecology which is comment that ecological problem of the ecology, which is the most important ecological problem in the society, culture and more all of the world. The Social Ecology combine the nature of 3 types which are First Nature, Second Nature and Free Nature. In the second nature of disproportion, on the ideal connection line to the free nature which is close to the ideal and the second nature of society and culture derived from the primitive nature of nature, This project was initiated by considering the situation of the physical and mental health of our children who will be the participants of the social ecosystem in the future and how they can promote the physical activities of children. It is also a socio-ecological perspective, especially in the sustainable way of maintaining the flexibility of the mind that constantly creates creative individuals and social groups, living in close ties with parents, siblings, Physical health promotion process and causality. As a result of comparing the daily life of both Korean and Chinese children to learning, leisure time, and physical activities, the daily life patterns of the children in both countries surveyed had a lot of time spent on learning activities and early education, Children spend a lot of time in virtual space, ie computer use. Both the children in both countries showed a relatively low level of time spent on physical activity compared to the activities of learning and leisure time. The results of this analysis show that the physical activities of pre-school children in Korea and China are socially inadequate due to environmental, educational, and socio-cultural factors, ie they are unbalanced in the Phsical Activity supportive environment. Based on the results of this study, we propose an alternative health ecology model for improvement of physical fitness and health promotion by defining the factors of Phsical Activity supportive environment which affects the physical health of both Korean and Chinese children.


제1장. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 연구범위 및 주안점
제2장. 이론적 배경
2.1 현대생태주의의 통시적 의의
2.2 사회생태학의 개념적 정의와 유아동 신체활동과의 관계
2.3 신체활동 증진을 위한 교육적 의미의 생태주의 개념
2.4 유아동의 신체활동과 체질건강 사이의 관계
제3장. 분석
3.1 한중 양국의 유아동 일상 비교분석
3.2 생태학이론에 근거한 유아동의 신체활동 영향요인에 대한 분석
제4장. 종합 및 결론
4.1 한중 양국 유아동의 건강에 영향을 미치는 거시적 요인 종합
4.2 유아동 체질개선 및 건강증진을 위한 건강생태학 모델의 구축
4.3. 결론


  • 위하영 Wei, He-Yong. 부경대학교 체육학과 일반대학원 박사과정
  • 송용관 Song, Yong-Gwan. 부경대학교 체육학과 일반대학원 교수
  • 진현오 Jin, Hyon-O. 부경대학교 마린융합디자인과정 석사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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