

일부 치위생과 재학생의 치면세마실습 자세와 근골격계 질환 인식도


Oral prophylaxis practice and awareness of musculoskeletal diseases in dental hygiene students

문희정, 신명숙

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to examine the state of oral prophylaxis practice among dental hygiene students and their awareness of musculoskeletal diseases in an effort to provide some information on how to strengthen education on treatment posture to manage musculoskeletal diseases and how to raise awareness of musculoskeletal diseases. From November 2 to 13, 2016, a self-administered survey was conducted on 653 sophomores, juniors and seniors with an experience of oral prophylaxis practice. SPSS version 20.0 for Windows was employed to analyze the collected data. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. The largest group that accounted for 37.4% responded that the total number of students undergoing oral prophylaxis practice during a semester was four to six. The biggest group that represented 65.4% answered that the required practice time per student was one to fewer than three hours. 76.0% continued to be in the repeated same posture. 2. As for the posture of patients, supine position was most common for the maxillary sinus, which accounted for 82.2%. And semi-upright position was most common for the mandibular sinus, which represented 49.6%. 3. In regard to the burden of oral prophylaxis practice, 33.9% considered the required for the practice appropriate. 42.3% took the repeated long-lasting posture, and 53.5% were under physical pressure. 55.4% suffered from mental pressure and stress. 4. The most dominant musculoskeletal area that they experienced pain after oral prophylaxis practice was neck with 52.5%; waist with 48.2, shoulders/wrists/hands with 45.5, back with 10.3, buttocks with 4.1, elbows with 2.3, legs with 2.1, ankles/feet with 0.8 and knees with 0.6%. 5. Concerning the maintenance of repeated treatment postures and pain experience, the students who continued to be in the repeated same position underwent more pain than the others who didn't on the shoulders(2.92±1.05), in the waist(3.02±1.01), buttocks(1.75±0.92), elbows(1.55±0.79) and ankles/foot(2.52±1.25). The differences were statistically significant(p<.05, p<.01). 6. As to educational experience on treatment posture and musculoskeletal diseases, 88.8% received education on treatment posture; 87.9%, on what position should be taken in times of cooperation; 46.9%, on musculoskeletal diseases; 51.9%, on carpal tunnel syndrome; 42.3%, on varicose vein. The students who replied education on occupational diseases was necessary accounted for 89.6%. 7. The students who experienced treatment posture education were better aware of the causes of musculoskeletal diseases(3.23±3.00), ways for preventing the diseases(3.33±.834) and how to stretch the body(3.63±.858). The differences were statistically significant(p<.05, p<.001). 8. The students who experienced education on occupational diseases heard more about musculoskeletal diseases(3.27±.965), were better cognizant of the causes of the diseases(3.45±.847), were better aware of how to prevent them(3.55±.805) and found themselves to know how to stretch to prevent the diseases (3.73±.826). The differences were statistically significant(p<.001).


1. 서론
2. 연구대상 및 방법
2.1. 연구대상 및 자료수집방법
2.2. 연구방법
2.3. 자료분석방법
3. 연구결과
3.1. 연구대상자의 일반적 특성
3.2. 연구대상자의 치면세마실습 실태
3.3. 연구대상자의 치면세마실습 시 환자자세
3.4. 연구대상자의 치면세마실습 시 술자의 자세
3.5. 연구대상자의 치면세마실습의 부담정도
3.6. 연구대상자의 치면세마실습 후 근골격계 통증경험(중복응답)
3.7. 연구대상자의 반복되는 시술자세와 통증경험
3.8. 연구대상자의 진료자세와 근골격계 질환교육경험
3.9. 연구대상자의 시술자세 교육경험과 근골격계 질환 인식
3.10. 연구대상자의 직업병 교육경험과 근골격계 질환 인식
4. 고찰
5. 결론


  • 문희정 Hee-Jung Moon. 여주대학교 치위생과
  • 신명숙 Myung-Suk Shin. 동남보건대학교 치위생과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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