In this research, the magnetic abrasive finishing process using (Nd-Fe-B) permanent magnet was applied to confirm the performance and to find the optimum conditions. The STS304 bar was used as the specimen in this experiment. In order to confirm the performance of magnetic abrasive finishing process, the surface roughness (Ra) and diameter reduction were measured when the specimens were processed under the conditions of rotational speeds, frequencies, and magnetic pole shapes. The rotational speeds were varied at 8000rpm, 15000rpm, 20000rpm, and 25000rpm. And the frequencies were changed to 0Hz, 4Hz and 10Hz. Also the shapes of the magnetic pole were changed to flat edge, sharp edge and round edge. It can be concluded that the surface roughness (Ra) and diameter reduction were found to be the best at 25000rpm, 4Hz, flat edge.
1. 서론
2. 실험 장치 및 방법
2.1 실험 장치
2.2 실험 방법
3. 실험 결과 및 분석
3.1 회전 속도에 따른 가공 특성
3.2 진동수에 따른 가공 특성
3.3 자극부 형상에 따른 가공 특성
4. 결론