

Session 10. ICT 융합기술 Ⅴ, Block Chain System Ⅱ, 좌장 : 최용수(성결대학교)

파일카빙 시 블록 정합을 위한 계층적 특징 추출


Hierarchical Feature Extraction for Block Matching in File Carving


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Measuring the match degree of two or more blocks or pixels in a file carving technique is a very important key point. A lot of studies on the matching of panoramic images and continuous images have been performed. In addition, since the general image matching includes a region of overlap, it is possible to find the position of matching only by matching of features. In the beginning of this study, block matching was measured based on the same scale as MAE of neighboring pixels of the block. In the proposed method, the set of image fragments that can be morphologically paired with the image segment A is called Bi, and the prediction pixels (Ppred_A) are generated from the adjacent pixels of A and Bi by using a linear interpolation method. On the contrary, the prediction pixels Ppred_Bi are generated from neighboring pixels of Bi in the same manner. The prediction pixels obtained through this process can show a higher degree of matching than the primary block matching such as MAE by measuring the similarity of the relative pieces of the image fragment pair to the adjacent pixels.


I. 서론
II. 가상 중첩 영역을 이용한 페어링
III. 결론 및 향후 연구


  • 최용수 Yong-Soo Choi. 성결대학교 교양교직부(멀티미디어)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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