

재형태화 피드백을 활용한 한국어 쓰기 교육 연구


A Study of Korean Writing Instruction Using Reformulation Feedback

안연진, 양명희



This study considered ways to use reformulation feedback(RF) in re-teaching and learning to improve the writing skills of Korean learners for academic purposes. Taking advantage of this benefit, the present study provided a sample of Korean learners with RF appraisals and obtained the following results. First, the error correction rate and average error correction rate of each session were obtained by counting the number of errors in vocabulary, grammar, and sociolinguistic competence. The results found that the error correction rates of sessions other than the fourth session (an essay) increased. Second, the subjects were divided into three groups by language proficiency: group A(high scoring test takers), group B(intermediate scoring test takers), group C(low scoring test takers) and the pre- and post-feedback treatment improvements of each competency area were separately examined for each group. The results found pre-feedback differences in vocabulary, grammar, and text content between group A and group C, but there was only regarding grammar between group B and group C. Large post-feedback differences were found in vocabulary, grammar, text content, and text structure between group A and group C and between group B and group C because group A and group B made large improvements. Accordingly it is proved that learners with high language proficiency have higher feedback acceptance of RF. Third, the average scores on the pre-feedback essays and post-feedback logical writings were compared to determine the influences of RF regardless of genre or topic. The results found statistically significant increases in the average scores in language forms and discourse.


1. 서론
2. 연구 방법
3. 연구 결과
3.1. 재형태화 피드백의 평가 범주별 효과
3.2. 언어 숙달도별 재형태화 피드백의 효과
3.3. 글의 장르와 재형태화 피드백의 개선 효과
4. 결론


  • 안연진 Ahn, Yeonjin. 중앙대학교
  • 양명희 Yang, Myunghee. 중앙대학교


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