

포스터 발표

The rationales of brain function development by ketone body



Brain development is a complex process, and stimuli during this development period may modulate the functional maturation of the brain. It has been shown that environmental stimuli, such as physical activity habits, have a beneficial effect on brain development. Many human and animal studies have shown that environmental stimuli, such as physical activity habits, have a beneficial effect on brain development. Exercise has many functions not only in the developmental period of the brain but also in adulthood. Exercise is known to have many beneficial effects on brain function and energy metabolism. In the present study, we discussed on two main topics: “exercise and BDNF” and “exercise and energy restriction”. Endurance exercise and prolonged fasting state are known to improve brain function including cognition. The exact mechanisms of exercise on improving brain function are still unknown. However, it can be considered that energy restriction and stressful challenge induced by long-lasting physical exercise might cause direct effect on brain function. Up-regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and ketone body caused by exercise might be considered as the mechanism of exercise on brain function. It is well known that long-term endurance exercise and fasting state improve brain function. Although the precise mechanisms for brain function improvement have not yet been elucidated, ketone body and BDNF have been suggested as the main substances of this action.


  • Yi-Sub Kwak Department of Physical Education, Dong-Eui Uinversity, Busan, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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