

생권 윤리학으로 읽는 『종달새의 노래』


Reading The Song of the Lark with Eco-ethica.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study starts from the point that Eco-ethica highlights the problem of enlarging individuals’ ethics in the modern society. It is meaningful that Eco-ethica focuses on making people think seriously about personal ethics while they keep and protect a variety of environments around them. This vision can help people to embrace essential ethics of care, practice, and nature and ultimately pursue social changes. In the work, Thea, the protagonist, develops her artistic intuition and reaches the artistic awakening through overcoming materialism, nocism, and morally crippled artists of chaotic Chicago. Thus, she shows how art into a secular state can revive and have the meaning of true loyalty in an artist's whole life. In the process, Thea's retreat to the Panther Canyon, a definite antimodern escape, develops a balanced life of her by making her reach the pinnacle of her music acquiring a singer's creative growth. The people who help her to achieve her own dream also play an important role in keeping her own Eco-ethica. In the end, her deep-rooted artistic vitality represents it comes from extensive ethics and further, as a guide in diagnosing the present and future of our time, it ultimately promotes the right direction of art and co-prosperity of mankind by establishing ethical indicators of human existential values. (Daejin University)


I. 서론
II. 생권을 위협받는 티어
III. 대물 윤리를 실천하는 티어
IV. 결론
Works Cited


  • 변효정 Byun, Hyojeong. 대진대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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