

응대화행의 발화수반력 세기 조절에 의한 공손 연구


A Study on the Politeness by the Control of the Illocutionary Force's Strength Degree in Response Speech-act


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is aimed to reveal the politeness by the control of the illocutionary force's strength degree in response speech-act. The response speech-act consist of affirming speech-act, denying speech-act, rejecting response speech-act, sympathizing speech-act, non-sympathizing speech-act, responding to description question speech-act, accepting speech-act, refusing speech-act, allowing speech-act and disallowing speech-act. Those become more polite if the speaker reinforce their illocutionary force and become less polite if the speaker weaken their illocutionary force.; affirming speech-act, sympathizing speech-act(except for the sympathizing speech-act to deal with gratitude speech-act, compliment speech-act, reproaching oneself speech-act, apology speech-act), responding to description question speech-act(except for the responding to description question speech-act whose contents imply the speaker's advantage), accepting speech-act(except for the accepting speech-act whose contents imply the speaker's advantage), allowing speech-act(except for the allowing speech-act whose contents imply the hearer's disadvantage). Those become more polite if the speaker weaken their illocutionary force and become less polite if the speaker reinforce their illocutionary force.; denying speech-act, rejecting response speech-act, non-sympathizing speech-act(except for the non-sympathizing speech-act to deal with reproaching oneself speech-act), refusing speech-act, non-allowing speech-act(except for the disallowing speech-act that its preceding speech-act, promise speech-act imply the speaker's disadvantage contents.)


본 연구는 응대화행에서 발화수반력의 세기 조절을 통하여 공손을 조정할 수 있음 을 보이고자 한다. 응대화행의 하위 화행은 긍정화행, 부정화행, 응대거부화행, 공감 화행, 비공감화행, 설명질문응대화행, 수락화행, 거절화행, 허락화행, 불허화행이 있 다. 이들 각각을 살펴보면, 발화수반력을 강화하였을 때 더 공손하고 약화하였을 때 덜 공손한 응대화행은, 긍정화행, 공감화행(감사화행, 칭찬화행, 자책화행, 사과화행 에 대한 공감화행 제외), 설명질문응대화행(내용이 화자에게 이익이 되는 것 제외), 수락화행(내용이 화자에게 이익이 되는 것 제외), 허락화행(내용이 청자에게 불이익이 되는 것 제외)이다. 그리고 발화수반력을 강화하였을 때 덜 공손하고 약화하였을 때 더 공손한 응대화행은, 부정화행, 응대거부화행, 비공감화행(자책화행에 대한 비 공감화행 제외), 거절화행, 불허화행(선행화행인 약속화행의 내용이 화자 스스로에 게 불이익을 주는 것 제외)이다.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구 방법
Ⅲ. 응대화행의 발화수반력과 공손과의 관계 분석
Ⅳ. 결론


  • 정종수 Jeong Jongsu. 한양대학교 국어국문학과 강의교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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