

심련수 시에 나타난 시의식 연구


A Study of Poetic Consciousness in the Poetry of Sim Ryun Soo


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Through an analysis of the rules of versification of the poems of Sim Ryun Soo, this paper looks into mutual influences between traditional and Sim's poetry. This paper also focuses on the new types of versification rules -as well as their poetic effects- resulted from transforming or breaking out of conventional ones. This is due to the fact that a long and consistent scrutiny into versification rules enabled Sim Ryun Soo to make various forms of poetic achievement. Sim started with the conventional four foot meter, but used variation to create poetic tension by ensemble or by putting one line over another. By combining four foot with three or two, in particular, he got close to the colloquial. Making an active use of three foot, Sim's creativity made rapid progress as can be seen in his tone and in his use of description and confessional narratives. The poet's path reveals a certain change: a belief that poetry has as its basis musicality formed via rules of versification changed to the one that poetry is a rhythm freely expressing thoughts and emotions. As well, picturesque descriptions, plastic images and a satire are harmoniously combined to get close to the modern poetry. The change proves that the poet stuck to the view that poetry is a cubic delineation of picturesque images. Therefore, poetic consciousness in the poetry of Sim Ryun Soo is inclined to break free of fixed rules of versification, and to use free rhythms to build up solidly picturesque poems.


1. 들어가는 말
2.1 전통 시가와의 친연성과 정서적 효과
2.2 4음보의 변주 과정과 정서적 효과
2.3 3음보의 도입과 정서적 효과
2.4 자유로운 율격과 정서적 효과
3. 맺는말


  • 노철 No Chul. 전남대 국어교육과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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