

심연수 시의 텍스트 비평


A Study on the Poetry of Shim Yeon Soo


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Shim Yeon Soo (1918.5.20-1945.8.8) is elucidated as a national poet with Yoon Dong Joo in the age of Japanese ruling. This elucidation is revealed in the 『The Complete Literary Works of the Korean People in China』, Vol.1 (the Literature of Shim Yeon Soo), published by Yenben People's Publishing House in July 2000. Based on this perspective, Park Mi Hyeon of Gangwondo Provincial Daily excavated and reported the materials of his literature. The academic world became interested in his literature through in his birth place Gangreung and hosted by Korean literature commemoration in Yenben, China. Kim Royng Yoon of Yenben Social Science Institution started to evaluate Shim Yeon Soo's Poems with collecting his original manuscripts and involving in publishing complete works. Kim Royng Yoon divided poetic period with two phase: the early poetry and the latter poetry. He analyzed the early poetry as a poetic flexibility in Shim's Dong Heung Middle school age and the latter poetry as a poetic tremendousness. Since then, Shim's researchers agreed with this slant. But we suggested original manuscript confirmation as a problem on this thesis prior to studying his poems. We examined manuscripts written on his own and found many repeated works through draft, polished and completed steps. We found his eagerness by adjusting poetic language and adding, eliminating, revising and correcting line on his works. While, some researchers couldn't find Shim's works and decide which works are complete works. So we arranged 8 steps causing problems about original manuscripts confirmation and examined some works. We chose and analyzed some original manuscripts which are minimized above problems. His poems are characterized home loss, national consciousness, resistance, and waiting for independence. Such features are part of tremendous quantity. After finishing the original manuscript confirmation, many researchers should collaborate and study deeply.


1. 서론
2. 원전 확정의 문제
3. 심연수 시의 특징
1. 실향의식과 민족정서
2. 저항의식과 해방의 기다림
4. 결론


  • 허형만 Heo, Hyung Man. 목포대학교 어문학부 국어국문학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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