

연화부인 설화를 활용한 로컬콘텐츠 기획 방안 연구


A Study on the Planning Method of Local Content Using the Tale of Yeon-hwa


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Local content is a tool for modernizing the history and culture of the region and communicating with contemporary people. Two-way communication through new media is important for local contents in the digital age. Media users are evolving not into passive consumers but into active experience subjects. Emotional communication with users is important in order for local content to become a successful tourism product. Mrs. Yeonhwa's tale is a traditional story set in Gangneung. The lyrics, which include meeting with Mowallang, promises, waiting, and marriage, are available for various contents with love theme. In particular, it is easy to use as a tour product that utilizes tourist attractions around the Gangneung area and Yongyeon Temple. Also, Kim Ju-won, the son of Yeon-hwa and Mowallang, was the king who ruled Gangneung. The king's story of great love and regional legitimacy can provide an interesting story of local content. Various local contents can be planned with themes such as Yongyeon Valley, Namdaecheon, Yongyeonsa, reservoir, pond, pavilion and street. In this study, we introduce cases where local culture has been successfully developed as a tourism product, and suggest ideas for local content planning using the tale of soft woman.


1. 스토리2.0시대의 콘텐츠 기획
2. 뉴미디어를 활용한 로컬콘텐츠 개발 사례
3. 지역문화 자원을 활용한 관광콘텐츠 개발사례
4. 연화부인 설화를 활용한 콘텐츠 기획 방안
5. 로컬플랫폼으로서 사찰과 강릉 용연사의 가치


  • 신정아 Shin, Jeong-A. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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