

ICBM 기반 비즈니스 트랜스포메이션

Agent Technologies in Identify the Customer’s Need



The need is the decision drive for the customer to buy. It is a motivation for the customer to purchase products or services. Companies often look at the customer’s need as an opportunity to solve or contribute to original motives with excess back value. Unfortunately, it is a challenging task to understand the need of customers. There is a lack of a consistent approach for many organizations to find and use need. Understanding the needs is critical for innovation and go-to-market success. In parallel with the rapidly growing technologies of information and communication, contemporary commerce has shifted in both its information and market space. A promising solution has been by a software agent, one of the most exciting new developments in computer software technology. Over the past two decades, a software agent has played an increasingly important role in facilitating e-commerce operation. In this paper, we propose using the theory of tasktechnology fit (TTF) to study the efficacy of using agent technologies to identify products and services that fit customer need. We expect the result could constitute a blueprint for an IS research agenda in the e-commerce application of agents


Theoretical Background
Customer Needs
Software Agent
Task-Technology Fit Models


  • Hamirahanim Abdul Rahman Department of Management Information System Seoul National University
  • Jihae Suh Big Data Institute Seoul National University
  • Jinsoo Park Department of Management Information System Seoul National University


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