

ICBM 기반 비즈니스 트랜스포메이션

A new approach for literature analysis using text mining and topic modeling : Focused on digital piracy



Digital piracy is one of the most significant threats on digital goods, and it’s increasing every year. Many researchers analyze this phenomenon by using and developing different models and approaches, creating an ocean of information. Due to this vast amount of research, it’s crucial to perform a literature analysis to have a global picture and to build an integrity view on digital piracy; however the traditional literature analysis is a tedious process and requires a substantial amount of time. Hence, faster and effective methods are necessary. We performed a non-traditional literature analysis approach using text mining techniques on a collection of 856 digital piracy articles from 29 years across several relevant journals. Therefore, Latent Dirichlet Allocation and igraph were use to group articles on relevant topics and to graph terms associations. This study identified the common trends as well as the relation between the different theories.


1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1 Literature selection
2.2 Text mining and topic modeling
3. Result and analysis
3.1 Term frequency – Word cloud (D1)
3.3 Topics discovery on digital piracy (D2)
3.4 Geographical distribution based on authoraffiliations (D3)
3.5 Map of theories – Network analysis (D4)
4. Conclusions
5. References


  • Lissette Almonte Department of Data Science, College of Business Administration, Kookmin University
  • Byounggu Choi College of Business Administration, Kookmin University


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