In the recent years, non-preemptive job shop scheduling problems have been applied to a wide variety of academic and industrial fields. In comparison, preemptive job shop scheduling problems have received almost no attention in the both fields. Motivated by the needs of a specific application, we presented an algorithm for dealing with preemptive job shop scheduling problem. First, we considered constraint programming techniques to preemptive scheduling problems. Second, we applied genetic algorithm to these problems. In proposed genetic algorithm, we developed a new concept for representing of genetic algorithm. In case study, we applied the proposed algorithm to several job shop problems. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm considered by preemptive problems outperforms non-preemptive case and other conventional algorithms.
1. Introduction
2. Various Job Shop Scheduling Problems
2.1 Constraint Programming
2.2 Formulation for p-JSP and np-JSP
2.3 Genetic Algorithm Approach
3. Case Study
4. Conclusion