

시대별로 살펴본 『걸리버 여행기(Gulliver's Travels)』 원본 곁텍스트와 번역본 곁텍스트의 비교


Comparison of Paratexts of Gulliver’s Travels and Its Korean Translations.

김민서, 김순영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examined the source and target paratexts of Gulliver’s Travels with an aim to show how paratexts are structured or restructured through translation. The study assumed that the structuring of paratexts may be different depending on when the target texts were produced. The source text used for this study was the London edition of Gulliver’s Travels published in 1726. The 6 Korean translations selected for the analysis include the first unabridged translation published in 1975 and the first single edition that came out in 1987. According to the findings of the study, the source paratext was used as a site for providing background information about the main text such as how the work was published and the author’s intent of writing the work among others. The elements of source paratext were mostly preserved in the target texts supplementing the context of the source text. In more recent translations published after 2000 new elements such as illustrations were added to complement readers’ text reading. In conclusion, it can be said that paratext is actively used in mediating the gap between the source and target text world not only by preserving the source paratext but also restructuring or adding new elements in the target texts.


1. 들어가며
2. Gulliver's Travels 의 소개와 원본 곁텍스트 현황
2.1. Gulliver's Travels 의 텍스트 변천사
2.2. Gulliver's Travels 원본 곁텍스트의 현황
2.2.1. 원본 곁텍스트의 세부 항목 소개
3. 분석대상 텍스트 소개 및 논의
3.1. 『걸리버 여행기』 번역본의 변천과정 및 분석방법
3.2. 번역본에서 확인되는 원본 곁텍스트의 상세 현황
3.3. 번역본에서 새롭게 추가된 곁텍스트 현황
3.4. 원본 곁텍스트와 추가된 곁텍스트의 비교 분석
4. 결론


  • 김민서 Kim, Minseo. 동국대학교–서울
  • 김순영 Kim, Soonyoung. 동국대학교–서울


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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