

한국어 인명의 러시아어 번역·표기의 문제점 고찰


A Study on the Challenges of Russian Translation and Orthography of Korean Names.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper investigates the current state of Russian Cyrillic orthography of Korean names. With the rise of Hallyu or the Korean wave, an accurate translation and orthography of the names of Korean actors, singers and literary writers is an important issue. Different Cyrillization of the same name only exacerbates confusion. There are two types of Russian Cyrillic orthography to transcribe Korean words – the Holodovich System and the Kontsevich system. There exists controversy on some of the issues between the two systems. Among the differences in opinions among researchers, this paper categorizes the most urgent issues in Cyrillization of Korean proper nouns into four groups. Examples where such issues arise are collected and analyzed. Although there are various arguements around each of the types of Cyrillization, this paper attempts to narrow the differences in arguements and proposes alternatives that are believed to be more appropriate. Findings in this paper may contribute to developing a standard for Cyrillization of the Korean language.


1. 서론
2. 한국어의 러시아어 키릴문자 표기법의 주요 특징 및 한계점
3. 한국어 인명의 러시아어 번역∙표기의 사례분석
4. 논의 및 제언
4.1. 성과 이름의 배열 및 표기 방식의 문제
4.2. 자음 ㅈ의 러시아어 표기 문제
4.3. 받침으로 오는 자음 ㅇ의 러시아어 표기 문제
4.4. 모음 ㅓ와 ㅕ의 러시아어 표기 문제
5. 결론


  • 강동희 Kang, Donghee.. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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