

위경과 쿰란 문헌에 나타난 하늘 성소 묘사의 구약 본문에 대한 문학적 의존성


The Description of Heavenly Temple in the Pseudepigrapha and Qumran Literature and Its Literary Dependence on the Hebrew Bible


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The ‘heavenly sanctuary/temple’ motif does not appear terminologically in the Hebrew Bible. But in the apocalyptic literature of the Pseudepigrapha and Qumran documents the motif is often explicitly described. It is evident that the extra-biblical Jewish literature uses the Hebrew Bible as the authoritative source when it develops a certain motif. In this intriguing circumstance this research aims to explore, by using the literary-synchronic analytical approach, which passages of the Hebrew Bible these literature depends on. Outcomes show that Exodus 25 and Isaiah 6 are used as the main biblical sources in relation to the present existence of the heavenly temple, and that Exodus 15:17, Ezekiel 1, 10, and 40-48 with regard to its eschatological and ideal function. Exodus 25 and Ezekiel 40-48 out of these texts function as the two most significant texts. It is finally revealed that Exodus and Ezekiel are the primary sources of the heavenly temple idea not only in the apocalyptic Jewish literature but also in the Qumran literature. The manner of the literary dependence of these literature on the Hebrew Bible is creative, using citation, enlargement, and synthesis.


1. 서론
2. 위경에 나타난 하늘 성소
1) 희년서(Book of Jubilee)
2) 에스라4서(4th Book of Esdras)
3) 바룩 2서(Book of 2Baruch)
4) 레위언약서(Testament of Levi)
5) 에녹1서(1 Enoch)
3. 쿰란 공동체의 문헌에 나타난 하늘 성소/성전
4. 유대 문헌의 하늘 성소와 히브리 성경
1) 하늘 성전의 존재와 관련하여
2) 하늘 성전의 기능과 관련하여
5. 결론
6. 참고문헌


  • 김상래 Sanglae Kim. 삼육대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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