

「勧誘」の表現類型に関する一考察 - 心理的な「ウチ関係作り」を中心に-


A Study on the Expression Types of Invitation - focusing on psychological “Uchi Relation” -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



There have been many issues on the classification criteria on “Invitation” so far. In this study, the analysis was performed upon determination that the development of psychological “Uchi Relaiton” was the most important factor in the “Invitation” expressions. Upon the analysis results in the subjects with scenarios, four types of “Invitation” were classified. “Grouping type” Invitation is to suggest the listener the execution of the common behaviors with speaker and listener together. “Inducing type” Invitation is to involve the listener on the behaviors that the speaker is doing or is going to do, which aims the common goal. “Inviting type” Invitation is to invite the listener to the location that the speaker is or belongs to. “Supporting type” Invitation is to express as if they do the common thing so as to support the listener aiming the psychological common state. “Supporting type” Invitations were commonly used in those who hesitated the behaviors or children who were not familiar in the behaviors, because it developed the psychologically common state that there was someone who supported them requiring courage. In this study, the different expressions were found depending on how the speaker perceived the listener’s will to execute the behaviors, which might be the next study topic.


1. はじめに
2. 先行研究
3. 本稿の立場と研究方法
4. 「ウチ関係作り」による「勧誘」の分類
4.1 「グループ型」の勧誘
4.2 「引き込み型」の勧誘
4.3 「迎え入れ型の勧誘」
4.4 「後押し型の勧誘」
5. おわりに


  • 崔幽美 최유미. 韓国外国語大学 日語日文学科 博士過程, 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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