

敬語接頭辞「オ⋅ゴ」の 「マイナス待遇表現化」に関する研究


A Study on Negativizing of Expression of Positive Treatment Using Honorific Prefix 「オ-⋅ゴ-」


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This This study defined negativizing of positive treatment by using honorific prefix 「オ⋅ご」in Japanese language as the language behavior where speaker uses expression of plus treatment 「オ⋅ご」to signal his or her intention to give minus treatment to audience, and analyzed and examined the uses of it. In various 「scenes」, it was possible to identify uses of negativization of expression of positive treatment using 「オ⋅ご」. It was found that, in most cases, the prefix is used to express sarcasm in equal human relations as follows: ① While it is expression of plus treatment with honorific or polite words, we can grasp the intention of speaker to treat audience negatively by the context in which the prefix is used, human relations between speaker and audience, or the vocabulary used with 「オ⋅ご」; ② In the case where, even if 「オ⋅ご」is used, contents of the sentence is minus treatment, we can figure out the intention of speaker to express minus treatment without considering human relations or the context; ③ In the case where, while the sentence is expression of plus treatment, it is not formed as honorific expression without 「オ⋅ご」, we can recognize it as the expression of minus treatment by considering human relations or the context.It seems that the reason why speaker uses such an expression is to emphasize minus treatment of the audience, and to upgrade the effect of the expression. In most cases, audience seemed to understand the intention of speaker to express minus treatment.


1. はじめに
2. 先行研究
2.1 敬語接頭辞「オ⋅ゴ」に関する先行研究 
2.2 表現形式と表現内容のずれに関する先行研究
3. 研究方法及び本稿の立場
3.1 研究方法
3.2 本研究の立場
4. マイナス待遇意図を表す「オ⋅ゴ」
4.1 用例分析
4.2 「オ⋅ゴのマイナス待遇表現化」の使用様相
5. おわりに


  • 金修卿 김수경. 韓国外国語大学校 日本語言語文化学部 非常勤講師, 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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