

Technology Convergence (TC)

Analysis on the spread variance by the spill-over spot on the spark sonance




Spark variance technique is melded the jagged spill-over-sonance status of the glitter-differentiation knowledge level (GDKL) on the spark knowledge gestalt. The knowledge level condition by the spark knowledge gestalt system is comprised with the spill-over-sonance system. As to search a spot of the glitter situation, we are obtained of the spark value with black-red dot by the spill-over upper structure. The concept of knowledge level is comprised the reference of glitter-differentiation level for variance signal by the spark sonance gestalt. Further presenting a jagged variance of the GDKL of the maximum in terms of the spill-oversonance gestalt, and spark spot sonance that was the a spark value of the far variance of the Spa-kg-FA-ρMAXN with 17.68±2.22 units, that was the a spark value of the convenient variance of the Spa-kg-CO-ρMAXN with 7.55±0.59 units, that was the a spark value of the flank variance of the Spa-kg-FL-ρMAX with 2.70±0.48 units, that was the a spark value of the vicinage variance of the Spa-kg-VI-ρMAX with 0.48±0.05 units. The spill-over sonance will be to appraisal at the jagged ability of the spill-over-sonance gestalt with black-red dot by the spark knowledge level on the GDKL that is presented the glitter-differentiation gestalt by the knowledge level system. Spill-over knowledge system will be possible to restrain of a gestalt by the special signal and to employ a spark data of spill-over sonance level.


1. Introduction
2. Theory
3. Experiments
4. Results and Discussion
4.1 Properties of the sequence selection
4.2 Improvements of multiple sequence selections


  • Jeong-lae Kim Department of Biomedical Engineering Eulji University, Seongnam, 13135, Korea
  • Kyu-sung Hwang Department of embalming, Embalmingkorea, Seoul, 03193, Korea


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