

진주검무 반주음악에 대한 연구


A Study on the Historical Transition of Jinju Sword dance Music


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Jinju sword dance was designated as the National Intangible Cultural Property No.12 in 1967 in recognition of its artistic value worth preservation of its original form. When Jinju sword dance was designated as a cultural asset, the accompaniment associated with it was also recognized for its significance with its artistic talents designated as well. A total of eight holders of the intangible cultural property were designated in 1967, all of whom were Choi Sun-yi’s disciples. The historic records say that Choi Sun-yi, the last successor of the sword dance that was frequently performed at Jinju Gyobang, learned music and dance at Jinju Gyobangcheong, practiced at Jangagwon (Royal Music Institute) upon being summoned as a temporary servant, and performed a sword dance in front of Emperor Gojong (1906). Among the first generation holders of the cultural property, there is only one holder of instrumental music named Kim Su-ak, who was designated as a sword dance and percussion, but since percussion alone is not enough to play accompaniment, the musicians at the National Classical Music Institute came over to Jinju to play accompaniment. The music was played after it was restored based on the melody of Samhyeon-yukgak in Gyeonggi region and this music has been used as accompaniment for a variety of dances since then. During the second generation period in 1990s, Gang Gwang-geun (Daegeum) and Cho Sun-ae (Haegeum) were he designated as full-time apprentices, enabling the independent operation of Jinju sword dance accompaniment through cultural transmission. In 2002, the Jinju sword dance Preservation Society created its own new accompaniment music with the melody of the Korean traditional classical music to emphasize the fact that Jinju sword dance is a royal music, and established the framework of royal music by adding Bak and Ajeng and having instrumental musicians wear red royal costumes similar to those worn back then. This has successfully led to the third generation holders as of 2017. The year 2017 marks the 50 year anniversary since Jinju sword dance was designated as a national cultural asset in 1967. The accompaniment of Jinju sword dance has developed independent melodies and tunes as it went through three holders through 50 years of period. It used Daepungryu of Gyeonggi Samhyeon-yukgak as accompaniment during the period between 1970 and 1992 and since 2002, it has used the music of Jinju sword dance Preservation Society only until today. This confirms that the Jinju sword dance, which used to be performed only via traditional Korean dances regardless of groups, has had a clear distinction from the external influence and that it has developed its own unique tunes and melodies. When it comes to understanding the origin of the accompaniment melodies and the artistic value, further studies on the transmission of Samhyeon-yukgak in Jinju region will be required. In addition, it is necessary to ensure a proper transmission and to preserve the artistic value through the value of preserving the original form of Jinju sword dance all the more because of its vulnerability to the exposure to external environment.


진주검무는 1967년 원형보존의 가치와 예술적 가치를 인정받아 국가무형문화재 제12호로 지정되었다. 진주검무가 문화재로 지정받을 당시 반주음악도 그 중요성을 함께 인정받아 예능보유자를 지정하게 된다. 기악예능보유자는 김수악 한명으로 검무와 장구로 지정되었는데, 장구 하나로는 반주음악 연주가 불가능하여 서울의 악사들이 진주로 내려와 반주음악을 연주하였다고 한다. 당시 경기지역의 삼현육각 <대풍류>를 연주하였으며, 이 음악은 현재 여러 무용의 반주음악으로 사용되고 있다. 이후 1990년 2대 보유자시기에 강광근(대금)과 조순애(해금)를 전수조교로 지정하며 진주검무 반주음악의 독자적인 운영이 가능해 졌다. 이후 2002년 진주검무보존회만의 반주음악이 새롭게 구성되었는데, 궁중계열의 무용임을 강조하기 위한 정악곡의 성격이 나타나는 선율을 더하였다. 악기 구성도 박(拍)과 아쟁을 추가하였으며, 반주악사들의 의상도 홍주의(紅紬衣)로 바꾸었다. 이는 모두 궁중음악의 요소들을 갖추기 위함인 것으로 여겨진다. 이러한 형태는 2017년 현재 3대 보유자까지 이어지고 있다. 진주검무는 1967년 문화재 지정부터 2017년인 현재 50년의 세월이 흘렀다. 50년이라는 세월동안 3대의 보유자를 거치며 진주검무의 반주음악은 독자적인 선율을 구성하게 되었다. 1970년부터 1992년까지 경기삼현육각의 <대풍류>를 반주음악으로 사용했으며, 2002년부터 현재까지 진주검무보존회만의 음악을 연행하고 있다. 이는 단체에 구분 없이 우리나라 전통춤으로만 연행되어지던 진주검무가 외부로부터 확실한 구분을 짓고, 독자적인 선율을 가지게 되었음을 확인한 결과이다.


I. 서론
II. 연구 방법
III. 시대별 진주검무 반주음악 선율분석
IV. 결과 및 논의
인터넷 참고자료


  • 김명원 Kim, Myung-Won. 진주교육대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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