

텔레비전 영상에 발화자가 등장하는 비율에 관한 일고찰 -대담방송「ホリデーインタビュー」을 사례로-



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



TV programs are useful because they provide large amounts of diverse verbal and non-verbal language data (i.e., gaze, gesture, facial expression, and tone) from various speakers; researchers can collect data from these programs to conduct a quantitative study of Japanese language behavior. However, TV programs exhibit problems that make it difficult to keep observing speakers from specific angles. No research has identified the extent to which speakers can be observed from TV broadcasting images or whether this observation differs depending on specific factors. In an attempt to fill this gap in knowledge, this paper examined a TV interview program titled “Holiday Interview.” Focusing on the roles of speakers and types of speaking, we found out that an interviewer in the program appeared on screen about half as often as the interviewee. Particularly, as the interviewer primarily said hah- and ah- sodesune—thus backchanneling— the camera rarely focused on him. My future research will analyze speakers’ language behaviors and the image production process of the behaviors considering factors such as the number of speakers participating in interviews and interview styles, which are not examined in this paper. (Jeju National University)


1. 들어가며
2. 대담방송 「ホリデーインタビュー」
3. 영상 등장 비율
4. 방송별 영상 등장 비율
5. 발화참가자 역할별 영상 등장 비율
6. 발화 종류별 영상 등장 비율
7. 영상 등장 방법 : 인물 사이즈를 중심으로
8. 마치며


  • 손영석 Son, Young-Suk. 제주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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