

The Effects of Reducing Skin Wrinkles and Improving Skin Elasticity from Korean Radish Extract




The radish skin and radish greens are an edible part of the radish. But they are removed before eating the radish and used as a byproduct or an animal feed material because of their tough and rough texture. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of supercritical heat-treated radish-extract on UV-induced HRM-2 wrinkled mouse animal model on anti-aging wrinkles. Supercritical heat-treated radish-extract was applied on the back of seven-weeks old HRM-2 mice. The effect of HRE on skin thickness, elasticity and wrinkle formation of the mice was observed by using UVB lamp to induce melanogenesis and wrinkle formation. As the result, increased depth of wrinkles was observed in the negative control group in comparison to the normal group. In contrast, decreased depth of wrinkles was observed in the radish-extract-free group compared to the negative control group. In the study of the effect of radish-extract on wrinkle-formation related gene expression and protein what protein expression, MMP-2 and MMP-9 gene expression significantly increased in the negative control group compared to the normal group. The gene expression reduced in dependence to the mass of radish-extract treated. Similar to quantitative results of mRNA expression, the expression of MMP-2 protein increased as a result of UVB-irradiation. The MMP-2 expression was inhibited in dependence to the mass of radish-extract treated. In conclusion, the supercritical heat-treated radish-extract has an effect on improving skin wrinkles not only when it is applied to the skin but also when orally ingested. Thus, it can be effectively used as a composition to health functional products. Therefore we can also conclude that radish a food that does not show any side-effects even upon long-term intake can reduce wrinkle formation as well as improve skin elasticity when taken regularly for a long period.


1. Introduction
2. Experiment Materials
2.1 Chemicals and Reagents
2.2 Heat Treatment of Radish and Preparation of Extract
2.3 Preparation of Heat-Treated Radish Extract (HRE)
2.4 Preparation of Heat-Treated Radish Supercritical Extract (HO)
3. Experimental Method
3.1 Preparation and Treatment of Test Animals
3.2 UVB irradiation and induction of photo aging
3.3 Body Weight and Food Intake
3.4 Skin Wrinkle Evaluation of the Effect of Radish Extract on UVB Irradiation
3.5 Evaluation of the Effect of Radish Extract on UVB Irradiation-induced Expression of wrinklerelatedgene and protein
3.6 Histological observation of skin
3.7 Statistical analysis
4. Result and Discussion
4.1 Body Weight and Food Intake
4.2 Evaluation of the Effect of Radish Extract on Wrinkle Formation Induced by UVB Irradiation
4.3 Evaluation of Evaluation of the Effect of Radish Extract on UVB Irradiation-Induced Expression of Wrinkle-Related Gene and Protein
4.4 Effect of Radish Extract on Melanogenesis in Skin Damage Induced Conditional Model by UVB Irradiation
4.5 Decrease in epidermal thickness and increase in collagen by Radish Extract in Skin Damage Induced Conditional Model by UVB Irradiation.
5. Conclusion


  • Hyun-Kyoung Kim Department of Food Science and Engineering, Seowon University, Cheongju, Korea


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