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Effects of Biomaterials Mixed with Artificial Soil on Seedling Quality of Fraxinus Rhynchophylla in a Containerized Production System



The composition of artificial soil in a containerized seedling production plays an important role in seedling quality as well as environmental issues. We investigated the effects of different types of biomaterials and mixed ratio with artificial soil on the growth of Fraxinus rhynchophylla seedlings. Soil medium was supplemented with 3 levels (0%, 10%, 20%) of pine bark, mushroom sawdust and rice husk. Root collar diameter (RCD), height growth, and biomass have significantly increased when rice husk was applied. Compared with the control, RCD and height growth showed highest in 20% rice husk treatment with an increase of 5.7% and 17.6%, respectively. In contrast, the treatments of pine bark and mushroom sawdust showed lower results in growth parameters (RCD, height growth, and total biomass) than control. Seedling quality index was also highest at the 20% rice husk treatment, but there was not statistically different among treatments. Our results suggested rice husk can be substituted up to 20% of substrates for containerized F. rhynchophylla seedling production system.


Materials and Methods
Study site and species
Experimental design
Growth measurements
Quality index calculation
Statistical analysis
Seedling height
Root collar diameter
Seedling biomass
Seedling quality index


  • Huong Thi Thuy Dao Department of Environment and Forest Resources, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea
  • Woo Bin Youn Department of Environment and Forest Resources, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea
  • Si Ho Han Department of Environment and Forest Resources, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea
  • Jeong Min Seo Department of Environment and Forest Resources, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea
  • Aung Aung Department of Environment and Forest Resources, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea
  • Ji Young An Department of Environment and Forest Resources, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea
  • Byung Bae Park Department of Environment and Forest Resources, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea


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