A Narrative Study on Administrator's Career Transition Process of Female Elementary School Teachers
The purpose of this study is to explore what elementary female teachers experience and learn in the process of career transition as a principal. To do this, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews with two retired participants as elementary school principals. Based on the results of the interviews, the researcher conducted the narrative research method for describing and exploring the life and experience of the research participants. On the basis of the narratives of the participants, ‘opportunity and path of transition of managerial career’ and ‘experience of being promoted to become manager’ were extracted. First, female teachers, who participated in this study, were satisfied with teacher’s job and had no relation with the promotion that they were doing without intention to advance into management after entering the teaching profession. In this regard, female teachers who have proved their abilities as teachers become encouraged and guided by the school administrators. In the process of promotion, participants are given the meaning and value of the promotion of the managerial position through the negative perception expressed by the implicit and invisible pattern surrounding the promotion of the managerial position of women. Particularly, it is important for the promotion of women to be able to connect between family work and job work. As for the tension and stress experienced during the promotion competition process, it was solved through family support and encouragement. It was also important for female teachers who wanted to be promoted to learn how to recognize and adapt to male-friendly promotion culture. Participants in the promotion process also gained their research scores through activities in their own fields, and in areas where their will is not reflected, they looked for self-help measures such as obtaining additional qualifications.
본 연구의 목적은 초등학교 여성 교사가 교직에서 학교 관리자로 경력을 전환하기까지의 과정 에서 무엇을 경험하고 학습하는지를 탐색하는 것이다. 이를 위해 연구자는 초등학교 교장으로 퇴 직한 2명의 참여자들을 대상으로 내러티브 연구를 수행하였고 이에 따른 참여자 각각의 내러티브 를 시계열적으로 제시하여 범주화하였다. 그 결과, 본 연구 참여자들인 여성 교사들은 교직 입직 후 교사로서 자신의 능력을 입증하고 증명해내면서 본격적인 승진의 길을 밟아나갔다. 연구 참여 자들은 여성의 관리직 승진에 대한 부정적 인식으로부터 관리직 승진에 대한 의미와 가치를 부여 하였으며, 가정일과 직장일의 병립을 위한 다양한 전략을 추구했다. 아울러 남성 교사 친화적인 승진 문화를 인식하고 순응해 나갔으며, 승진 과정에서 접한 불리함을 극복하기 위해 추가 자격증 취득과 같은 자구책을 찾고 있었다.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 교직에서의 경력 전환
2. 여성 교사의 경력 전환 과정 및 요인에 관한 연구
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅳ. 연구결과
1. 김경희의 내러티브
2. 오인숙의 내러티브
Ⅴ. 논의 및 결론
1. 여성 교사들의 학교 관리직 경력 전환의 계기와 경로
2. 학교 관리직 경력 전환 과정에서 접하는 경험들을 통한 학습의 양상