

연구논문발표 및 시상식

골퍼들의 자외선차단제 인식과 정규라운딩 후 피부보습연구


The golfers’ cognition of sunscreen and the changes of skin moisturizing after golf

하지성, 장옥선, 박안나

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to research about the cognition of ultraviolet rays and the skin care against 95 golfers who visited golf course. 16 golfers were selected as test subjects to research the amount of moisture on facial skin after golf. 77.7% of test subjects understood that ultraviolet rays are harmful and they realized that the ultraviolet rays can cause pigmented skin lesion. However, 9.6% of people did not know it. Furthermore, 20.2% of people was not realized that sunburn can be caused by ultraviolet. According to this statement, people have low cognition of the harmfulness of the ultraviolet rays. Also 41.5% of test subjects answered that they don't have knowledge about sun protection factor, SPF and PA. 79.6% of golfers use sunscreen before they start to play golf. However, 20.5% of people do not use sunscreen not at all, or they don't use it when ultraviolet rays are not strong. 71.4% of test subjects do not use sunscreen because it is inconvenient. 26.9% of test subjects think that maker or brand is an important factor to choose sunscreen. 67.4% of people use sunscreen right before starting the golf but 60.9% of them do not use sunscreen over and over during golf. After the game, 28% of test subjects use mask pack for self skin care, and 37.6% of people use basic skin care product. There was an experiment for test subjects after playing golf. The water content of the right, left, and chin except the forehead was significantly increased(p<0.05) after skin moisturize care. In addition, test result shows that 75% of test subjects indicated that skin pulling feeling was decreased and felt moisturize. Plus, most of them were satisfied with their skin status.


Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구의 필요성
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 자외선 차단제
2. 자외선과 피부
Ⅲ. 연구 방법
1. 연구 대상 및 범위
2. 연구 문제
3. 측정 도구 및 자료의 분석 방법
Ⅳ. 연구 결과 및 고찰
1. 조사대상 표본의 특성
2. 조사대상의 피부 상태 및 자외선에 대한 인식도 특성
3. 라운딩 시 자외선 차단제품의 사용 실태 및 피부 관리 현황
4. 보습 관리를 실시한 피 실험자의 피부 만족도 및 인식
5. 실험 전· 후 수분 차이 분석
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언
참고 문헌


  • 하지성 Ha Ji-Sung. 광운대학교 정보콘텐츠대학원 미디어뷰티아트
  • 장옥선 Ok-Sun Jang. 광운대학교 정보콘텐츠대학원 미디어뷰티아트
  • 박안나 Anna Park. 광운대학교 정보콘텐츠대학원 미디어뷰티아트


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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