

연구논문발표 및 시상식

피부미용사의 근무환경이 직무만족도와 이직의도에 미치는 영향


Affection of the Working Environment of Skin Care Cosmetologists to Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention

조서윤, 하준호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In recent years, the beauty industry has been rapidly growing, and the personal care skin salon has shown remarkable growth. The area has been diversified and classified through the skin care and clinic of the hospital or the oriental medicine clinic, and the franchise beauty salon competition in scale also intensified. However, most of the beauty salons have strengthened their quantitative competitiveness through the expansion of facilities and advertising and publicity, but the qualitative lack of knowledge and information on skin beauty is revealed, and such quantitative expansion and lack of qualities make the opportunity of leaving. In addition, it recognizes the importance of talent development and job environment of the skin beauty salon and helps the management of the skin beauty salon by understanding the cause of the turnover phenomenon, thereby improving the quality level of the service in the skin beauty industry as a whole, We will use this data as basic data to overcome the problems of beauty industry and to study reasonable manpower management and alternatives to actively cope with various and rapid changes.


I. 서론
1. 연구의 목적 및 필요성
2. 연구 문제
II. 이론적 배경
1. 피부미용사의 개념과 특성
2. 근무환경
3. 직무만족
4. 이직의도
III. 연구방법
1. 연구의 대상 및 기간
2. 연구의 모형 및 가설
3. 설문구성 및 자료분석
IV. 분석결과
1. 표본의 특성
2. 가설의 검정
V. 결론 및 제언


  • 조서윤 Seo-Yun Cho. 서경대학교 경영대학원 경영학과 미용경영전공
  • 하준호 Jun-Ho Ha. 서경대학교 경영대학원 경영학과 미용경영전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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