

원문의 구정보-신정보 전개에 따른 통역 전략 : 한영 통역을 중심으로


Interpreting strategies to deal with the presentation of old and new information in the source text.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In an interpreter-mediated communicative event, the interpreter is required to perform two distinctive roles of the listener and the speaker at different points in time. In this paper, this unique dual structure of the speaker and listener in interpreter-mediated events was examined from the perspective of information structure of the source text viewed as a succession of old and new information. Givenness of information units presented in the source text was categorized according to their status in the discourse as well as vis-a-vis the hearer in two different stages of the interpreting event. In the first stage, the interpreter becomes the hearer, and as such takes on the task of analysing the information structure of the source text as it is presented in a linear manner. Interpreters can be better equipped to deal with difficulties presented by the source text by adapting their interpreting strategies according to the information status of a given message. In the second stage, where the interpreter becomes the speaker, it is advised for the interpreter to sequence their message according to its information status by actively analyzing it from the perspective of the hearer, i.e. the audience. The paper provides a detailed explanation of how the analysis of information structure can be exploited for the benefit of the interpreter as well as the audience.


I. 들어가는 말
II. 구정보와 신정보
III. 통역사가 중재하는 커뮤니케이션의 ‘청자’
IV. 원문의 구정보-신정보 분석에 기반한 통역 전략
1. 원문 청취 단계
2. 통역사 발화 단계
V. 나가는 말


  • 최문선 Moonsun Choi. 이화여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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