The Quest for Simplicity of Quantifier Scope Interaction
A central goal of this paper is to present a new account of Quantifier scope ambiguity phenomena based on Chomsky's (2013, 2015) Labeling Algorithm (LA). In the account, this paper argues, without appealing to traditional movement operations akin to QR, that an inverse scope of QNP is attributed to the output of the essential operation in Narrow Syntax(NS) which is LA. Obata and Epstein's(2011) Feature-Splitting Internal Merge present empirical and theoretical advantages. Following their assumption, we suggest three viable options. First, R attracts both φ-feature and Quantifier feature on v* simultaneously. Secondly, R attracts Quantifier feature first. In the case that R attracts φ feature first is the last viable option. Given this view, we naturally hypothesize that φ-feature and Quantifier feature each move independently. In this sense, Feature splitting is the optimally exploiting independent mechanisms and enables us to capture derivationally different types of feature sharing. By deploying three viable options, we safely capture rigid scope and inverse scope. In summary, syntax of scope relies on three distinctive devices : Quantifier features, Feature-Splitting Internal Merge and Labeling Algorithm. Chomsky demonstrates that labels are needed for interface interpretation. In the spirit of minimalism, we elucidate scope ambiguity from a labeling perspective and this analysis sheds light on how determine a complicated syntactic object such as{XP[F],YP[F]} via labeling system and the quest for simplicity of Quantifier Scope Interaction.
양화사의 작용역 현상을 인간 언어 본연의 관점에서 바라보고 어떤 기제를 통해 일어나는 현상인지에 관한 심도 깊은 설명을 하고 기존의 연구에서의 한계점을 극복하고 개선하고자 본 연구에서는 양화사의 작용역의 중의성을 최소주의의 가장 새로운 방식인 Chomsky(2013, 2015)의 표찰 알고리즘(Labeling Algorithm) 접근법에서의 자질 공유(feature sharing)와 Obata와 Epstein 의 자질분리 병합(Feature-splitting Internal Merge)을 적극 수용하여 최소주의 접근법으로 재분석하고자 한다. 양화명사구는 양화자질[QU]을 가지고 있고 v*에 파이자질 이외 양화자질[QU]이 있다고 가정함으로써 이 통사체의 표찰은 자질공유를 통해
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 기존의 양화사 작용역 현상 연구의 설명적 한계
Ⅲ. 최소주의 내의 간소화된 기제
Ⅳ. 적용
Ⅵ. 결론