Development of Capstone Design Curriculum in Architectural Engineering that Applies Flipped Learning and Design Thinking
In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a new curriculum that breaks away from the existing education programs is needed to cultivate men of talent for this new industrial era. In this regard, this study aimed to develop innovative curriculums that can be applied to the capstone design of architectural engineering at universities in Korea. To this end, it analyzed the operational status of the capstone design curriculum of domestic universities that operate engineering certification education programs. In addition, it examined educational innovation cases of advanced universities at home and abroad, and analyzed other studies related to educational renovation. Based on the analysis results, it developed the capstone design curriculum of architectural engineering that can be applied to domestic universities. The curriculum was developed into two contents: operating method and syllabus. The method which has been commonly applied to domestic universities was adopted as the operating method. The syllabus was developed by applying flipped learning and design thinking theory, which has widely been dealt with in advanced universities and recent studies. In addition, the curriculum was developed in the form of a prototype to meet the conditions of each university for its efficient utilization.
1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 연구범위 및 방법
1.3 기존연구
2. 4차 산업혁명 핵심역량 및 교육혁신 방안 고찰
2.1 4차 산업혁명 핵심역량
2.2 플립러닝 및 디자인씽킹 이론 고찰
3. 종합설계 교육실태 분석
3.1 분석방법
3.2 국내 대학 건축공학종합설계 교육과정
3.3 국내·외 선진 대학 교육혁신 사례 분석
3.4 공학교육혁신 관련 기존연구 분석
4. 건축공학종합설계 교육과정 개발
4.1 교육과정 운영방법 프로토타입 개발
4.2 플립러닝과 디자인씽킹을 적용한 종합설계 교육과정 프로토타입 개발
5. 결론