

The Image Segmentation Method using Adaptive Watershed Algorithm for Region Boundary Preservation




This paper proposes an adaptive threshold watershed algorithm, which is the method used for image segmentation and boundary detection, which extends the region on the basis of regional minimum point. First, apply adaptive thresholds to determine regional minimum points. Second, it extends the region by applying adaptive thresholds based on determined regional minimum points. Traditional watershed algorithms create over-segmentation, resulting in the disadvantages of breaking boundaries between regions. These segmentation results mainly from the boundary of the object, creating an inaccurate region. To solve these problems, this paper applies an improved watershed algorithm applied with adaptive threshold in regional minimum point search and region expansion in order to reduce over-segmentation and breaking the boundary of region. This resulted in over-segmentation suppression and the result of having the boundary of precisely divided regions. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can apply adaptive thresholds to reduce the number of segmented regions and see that the segmented boundary parts are correct.


1. Introduction
2. Image Segmentation by Watershed Algorithm
3. Search for Minimum Points with Adaptive Thresholds
4. Adaptive Region Extension for Preservation of Boundary
5. Experiments
6. Conclusion


  • Dong-Jin Kwon Department of Computer Electronics Engineering, Seoil University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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