

A Dual Analysis of Arguments : Semantic and Syntactic


Seung-Man Kang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper delves into some aspects of arguments along with adjuncts, widely illustrated in terms of tests and criteria in the literature. I argue that they are largely syntactic in nature and posited to exhibit the syntactic well-formedness of sentences. It follows that this straightforward clarification of arguments often excludes some thematic adverbial phrases as an adjunct on the one hand and includes non-thematic phrases as an argument on the other. Accordingly, I suggest that we need to posit two types of arguments in this paper: semantic and syntactic. Semantic arguments, which are closely associated with the meaning of the predicate, are base-generated by Merge within VP (or AP) under the VP-Internal Subject Hypothesis (Fukui & Speas, 1986; Koopman & Sportiche, 1991) and receive a thematic role. On the contrary, syntactic arguments are those that are base-generated by Merge outside VP (or AP) or derived by movement to the so-called A-position for syntactic well-formedness, receiving a theta role. This dual analysis of arguments is argued to provide a more principled account of a variety of constructions such as expletive, passive, unaccusative, raising constructions, and so on.


I. Introduction
II. Arguments vs. Adjuncts
2.1 Definition
2.2 Core vs. Optional Participants
2.3 Verb Specific Arguments
2.4 Prepositional Content
2.5 VP Preposing
2.6 Fixed Preposition
2.7 VP Anaphora
2.8 Uniqueness/Iterativity
III. Proposal
3.1 X-bar Structure: Head, Complement, and Specifier
3.2 Semantic Arguments and VP-Internal Subject Hypothesis
3.3 Semantic Arguments and Thematic Roles
3.4 Semantic and Syntactic Arguments
IV. Conclusion
Works Cited


  • Seung-Man Kang Chungbuk National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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