

전원주택 배치와 평면에서의 자연 연계성에 관한 고찰


A Study on The Relationship with Nature in the Layout and Plan of Contemporary Suburban House


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Contemporary Suburban House is a kind of 'Urban House in nature' that urban middle class peoples elect voluntarily to raise life quality and make their own identity. Therefore, 'The Relationship with Nature' is an essential item in the design of Suburban House. But in the site plan of Suburban House, 'The Nature' as outdoor space is only the rest of the indoor space. The outdoor space is hold in common visually but not actually. 'The Nature' is not a labour ground as the case in rural society but a background of village. The plan of Suburban House is based on the urban apartment plan. So in plan, 'The Nature' is also an object for contemplation as the case in urban house. The outline of the plan as a border line between indoor space and outdoor space is controlled uniformally and 'The Nature' is linked only visually in the direction the resident wants to see.


 1. 서 론
  1.1 연구목적
  1.2 연구방법
 2. 전원주택건축의 성립과정과 일반적 경향
  2.1 성립과정
  2.2 일반적 경향
 3. 자연 연계성의 의미와 실천방식
  3.1 전원주택에서의 자연의 의미와 가치
  3.2 실천방식으로서의 시각과 동선
 4. 전원주택 배치와 평면에서의 자연연계성
  4.1 배치에서의 자연 연계성
  4.2 평면에서의 자연 연계성
 5. 결 론


  • 최종철 Choi, Jong-Chul. 여주대학 건축과 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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