


중국 민속문헌을 통해 본 송대 세시풍속 연구


A Study on Seasonal Customs of Song Dynasty era in view of Chinese Folk Literary Documents


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The paper refers to an overall review on the seasonal customs of the period of Song Dynasty, in terms of Suishiguangji, Dongjingmenghualu, Wulinjiushi and other historical documents. The festive days established by the State Autorities are composed of five holidays, such as Yuandan, Yuanxiaojie, Zhonghejie, Danjie and Jiangshengjie. The festivity Danjie is a big holiday, in which a huge banquet takes place in honor of the emperor and also of the mother of the emperor. The inauguration of gymnasiums was held and the monks were allowed to leave the temples on the day. Jiangshengjie was also a festive day of the emperor, where a Taoist color was dominant. The traditional festivities are a total of 17 which reflect the seasonal divisions of the year according to the lunar calendar. They are among others Lichun, Hanshi, Qingming, Duanwu, Qixi, Zhongyuan, Zhongqiu, Zhongyang, Dongzhi, Laba and Chuxi. There are also religious festivities, composed of festivity for mundane gods, that of Buddhism and that of Taoism. Nevertheless, it was very common that the festivities were celebrated by the fusion of the three religions. The popular mundane gods’ festivity consists of five celebrations, such as Renri, the birthdays of Dayu․bamboo and Guijie. The Buddhist feasts are Yufojie and Yulanpenjie. The Taoist feasts are seven celebrations, such as Huazhaojie, the birthdays of Yuhuang․Zitongdijun․Dongyuedi․Cuifujun and Sangsiri. The purpose of all of these celebrations was to expel the evil and pursue happy events. During the period of Song Dynasty, the religious feasts among the seasonal customs, were celebrated prevalently in Linan and Hangzhou. In these feasts one was able to note the strong color of Taoism, instead of Buddhism. In these activities, the cultural and literary programs were emphasized. At the same time, the stories of the great historical events and of the great personages, including the mythological legends were narrated to the public. The emperors Zhenzong and Huizong were particularly inclined to the Taoism and they created various festive days in order to enhance the national spirit, when the country was in declination. The seasonal costumes of Song Dynasty constitute the main source of the seasonal costumes of China.


본고는 『세시광기』․『동경몽화록』․『몽량록』․『무림구사』․『송사』․『송회요집고』등을 중심으로 중국 송대 세시풍속을 관정절일, 전통절일, 종교절일로 분류 고찰하였다. 관정절일은 통치자 위주로 원단, 원소절, 중화절, 강성절, 탄절로 5여조이다. 강성절은 도교적 색채가 강하며 관원․군대는 법정휴일을 받았고, 형 집행과 도살을 금지하고, 도장을 열어 재초하고, 도관․사찰에서 진향하고, 사연을 베푼다. 탄절 행사 역시 강설절과 유사하고 승려의 출가를 허락했다. 전통절일은 입춘, 사일, 한식․청명, 단오, 칠석, 중원, 중추, 중양, 동지, 납팔, 제조, 제석으로 모두 17여조이며 계절과 절기를 반영한다. 종교절일은 민간신앙을 바탕으로 하며 불교절일은 욕불절, 우란분절 2여조이다. 불교적 전통절일은 원소절․청명․칠석․중양․납팔절 등이다. 도교절일은 옥황․재동제군․사상장진군․동악제․최부군의 생일 및 상사일로 7여조이다. 불․도교가 습합된 절일은 삼원절, 화조절, 신보관신생일, 납일 등이다. 민간속신절일은 인일, 대우․죽․용의 생일, 귀절로 5여조다. 주요 특징은 탄절을 황제에서 황태후까지 확대, 풍부한 강성일 창설, 조회의 명문화, 한식 성년례, 납일 구나의식에서 빈자가 거지로 분장, 만회제, 제조일 아궁이문에 술지게미를 바르는 것 등이다. 상업의 발달로 체육 오락문화 활동 및 종교절일이 성행하고 도교의 세속화와 대중화가 활발했다. 역사사건․인물고사․신화전설을 포함해 문예적 성격이 강하고 벽사진경을 추구한다. 특히 진종과 휘종은 절일을 존숭하고 많은 강성절을 창설하여 쇠잔해가는 국운을 극복하고자했다. 송대의 세시풍속은 당대를 이어 후대까지 계승되어 중국 세시풍속의 근간이 된다.


I. 서론
II. 관정절일(官定節日)
III. 전통절일(傳統節日)
IV. 종교절일(宗敎節日)
V. 결론


  • 상기숙 Sang, Key-sook. 한서대 중국학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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