

동해연안의 주택경관 유형별 인지 평가에 관한 연구


A Study on evaluation of recognition with type of Housing landscape in Donghae Seaside

조원석, 김흥기, 김용기, 신정섭

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is derived from relation between the natural landscape and architectural landscape. The type of landscape in Donghae seaside consist of three; Road, Mountain, Seaside. And we selected three landscapes about individual housing; Western, Traditional, Modern. This paper is analyzed 18-simulation scenes, which evaluated with semantic differential method in using 12-bipolar adjectives. The results of this study are as follows(ref: table 6). 1)The housing of western style do not correspond with landscape of Road, but landscape of mountain and seaside were suitable to the western style. 2)Mountain in Donghae seaside harmonizes with housing of traditional style. 3)Even though the housing of modern style were marked low assessment in three landscape, we found out relation, modern housing was well-matched with load landscape.


 1. 서 론
  1.1 연구 목적
  1.2 연구 범위 및 방법
  1.3 선행 연구 고찰
 2. 경관 건축물의 평가 및 특성 분석
  2.1 서양적 이미지의 경관유형별 분석
  2.2 전통적 이미지의 경관유형별 분석
  2.3 현대적 이미지의 경관유형별 분석
 3. 경관과 건축 이미지의 평가 종합
 4. 결론 및 제언


  • 조원석 Cho, Won-Seok. 관동대학교 건축학부 교수, 공학박사
  • 김흥기 Kim, Heung-Ki. 관동대학교 건축학부 겸임교수, 공학박사
  • 김용기 Kim, Yong-Ki. 홍익대 박사수료, 관동대 건축학부 겸임교수
  • 신정섭 Sin, Jung-Sup. 관동대 대학원 석사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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