

심신(心身)의 질병과 건강에 대한 아유르베다의 관점


A Standpoint of Āyurveda about Health and Disease of the Mind and Body


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, I suggest that the ideological source of āyurveda can be found at the intersection of śramaṇa and brāhmaṇa and traditions, and compare it with the doctrines of Buddhism and Jainism. And based on the Ayurvedic monism of the body and mind, I analyze the philosophical goal of pursuing āyurveda. In addition, how can one balance and restore the state of mind and body and recovery. I also discuss the pain of the mind and body, illness and cures, health maintenance and art of living a long life. There is no organized single scripture in āyurveda, and various scriptures have been established over a long period. Therefore it is not easy to establish a philosophical theory from a consistent point of view. However, as a minor veda of the Atharvaveda, it is believed that the ideological structure of āyurveda was established based on the literature of Sāṃkhya-yoga school. Therefore, the origin of the standpoint of āyurveda about the relationship between mind and body is also found in Sāṃkhya philosophy. Though Sāṃkhya philosophy is known for taking a position of dualism of mind and body(matter) in principle, some support the monistic position of mind and body. Based on Sāṃkhya philosophy, I question the idea the āyurveda takes substance monism as a principle. In short, in Sāṃkhya philosophical system, everything except puruṣa is only a combination of three elements(tri-guṇa) : sattva, rasas and tamas. In other words, in āyurveda, body or mind, and the complex of mind and body are only the result of the combination of rajas and tamas, and illness occurs when such combination loses its balance. As included in the Rigveda, the oldest veda, human beings can not avoid pain caused by diseases, and have long sought for healing as well as health and longevity. Such efforts are not simply the Brahmanic tradition nor of the āryans. The śramaṇa traditions, centered on Jainism and Buddhism, also studied this topic, and similar theoretical structures can be easily found in their philosophical systems. The purpose of the text on longevity, referred to in the 8 medical texts, to disarm human’s fear of death and illness, and lengthen one’s life. Āyurveda is the wise means of longevity, giving holistic healing. The standpoint of Āyurveda, that each parts of the body are closely linked with each other and that it is very important to control one’s mind and emotion for health can be closely connected with contemporary medical views.


아유르베다는 요가와 더불어서 우리나라에 유입된 지 오래된 대표적인 인도 문화이 다. 본론에서는 아유르베다의 사상적 원천을 슈라마나(śramaṇa) 전통과 브라마나 (brāhmaṇa) 전통의 교합에서 찾아보았다. 슈라마나 전통의 대표 종교인 불교와 자이 나교의 교리와 비교하여 그 원류를 분석하고, 심신(心身)의 질병과 건강에 대한 인도의 전통적 관점을 고찰하는 데 그 목적을 두었다. 그리고 몸과 마음에 대한 아유르베다적 관점, 즉 심신 일원론(心身 一元論)에 따라서 아유르베다의 추구 목적을 철학적으로 분석 해 보았다. 또한 심신의 고통, 질병과 치유, 건강의 유지와 장수(長壽) 비법에 대해, 아유 르베다 전통에서 주장하는 내용을 고찰하였다. 그 결과, 아유르베다 전통에서 다루는 핵 심 주제는 브라마나 전통만이 아니라, 자이나교와 불교를 비롯한 슈라마나 전통에서도 깊이 연구되었고, 그들의 철학적 체계 안에서도 아유르베다와 유사한 이론 구조를 찾아 볼 수 있었다.


I. 서론
II. 아유르베다의 원천
III. 심신 일원론에 따른 아유르베다의 철학적 목적
IV. 심신의 질병과 치유에 대한 아유르베다의 관점
V. 결론


  • 김미숙 동국대학교 다르마 칼리지 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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