A Study on “FIFTY HELPS FOR THE BEGINNER IN THE USE OF THE KOREAN LANGUAGE” as a Korean Language Study Book for Missionary.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in the composition of the longest periodical of the missionaries’ Korean language study books, “FIFTY HELPS FOR THE BEGINNER IN THE USE OF THE KOREAN LANGUAGE”. Based on the characteristics of this book, I discussed the historical value of this book in Korean language education. First, I summarized the bibliographic information of various editions of this book, and explained the changes due to revision of the editions, in particular changes in composition and changes in detailed learning items. We also discussed the meaning of the “Help” used in the title of this book, and reviewed the usefulness of this book. As a result, it was found that the learning items presented in this book were not chapters for grammar learning but chunk expressions of Korean corresponding to English aiming to learn idiomatic expressions more quickly for missionary work.
1. 들어가기
2. 선행연구 검토
3. Fifty Helps에 대한 서지 정보 정리 및 구성의 변화
3.1 서지 정보 정리
3.2 전체 구성의 변화
3.3 학습 항목의 변화
4. Fifty Helps에 대한 고찰
4.1 ‘Help’의 의미
4.2 Fifty Helps의 유용성 및 한계
4.3 Fifty Helps의 내용 재정리
5. 마무리