

자원봉사자의 산재보험 적용에 관한 연구


A Study on the Application Plan of Method Industrial Accident Insurance for Volunteers

김성호, 안형환, 김병석

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Volunteer is defined as a person who offer service for social welfare work without pay voluntarily and people who recognize the importance of volunteer activity and engage in volunteer work in government offices and non-governmental organizations. However, the disaster protection for the volunteers is still out of the law’s boundary. The volunteer in volunteer organizations, social welfare organization as well as teenage volunteer are now protected in nation through private health insurance but its coverage is limited and the guarantee level is not sufficient to protect volunteer. If volunteers cannot be protected from industrial accidents or paid proper compensation to realize their human dignity by assuring a basic right to live, it leads to serious loss personally and socially. If the volunteers are protected by occupational health and safety insurance that functions as social insurance and the industrial accident risk gets removed, it will contribute to invigorate the volunteer activities and thus, legal improvement and institutional strategy must be required so that volunteers enjoy various insurance benefits in Industrial Accident Insurance.


1. 서론
2. 자원봉사자의 산재보험 적용에 대한 이론적 고찰
2.1 산재보험 제도
2.2 자원봉사자의 개념
2.3 자원봉사자의 현황
3. 자원봉사자 실태분석
3.1 설문조사 대상
3.2 설문조사 결과 및 실태분석
4. 자원봉사자 산재보험 적용방안
4.1 자원봉사자 산재보험가입 적용 기준
4.2 자원봉사자의 보험료 산정 방법
5. 결론
6. 참고문헌


  • 김성호 Sung-Ho Kim. 한국교통대학교
  • 안형환 Hyung-Hwan Ahn. 한국교통대학교
  • 김병석 Byeong-suk Kim. 한국교통대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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