

건설재해시 책임의식 향상을 위한 고찰


Consideration for Improving Construction Disaster responsibility

김춘수, 강경식

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the process of construction site accidents disaster a situation is finishing the direction in which most contractors are responsible. Several have way to improve the accountability of the construction participant in a construction site accident, but in particular, prices on improvements to the nakchalje, conducted at the forefront safety awareness to improve the supervision and management supervisor, maps technically allow some advice the knowledge about the technical safety of the safety officer is required and is considered to be especially made by designers and effective safety management from the design phase to improve safety awareness of the Engineer, prime Director and partner Director, hazard safety awareness to improve workers' In order to reduce the is believed necessary.


1. 서론
2. 건설사업의 산업적 특성
2.1 발주자중심의 산업
2.2 생산 관리상의 특성
2.3 재해 요인의 특성
3. 산업재해 통계
3.1 연도별 산업재해 지표추이
3.2 산업별 산업재해 현황
3.3 산업별 산업재해 현황 분포도
4. 국내·외 건설 안전관리 체계
4.1 국내 건설안전법규 체계
4.2 해외 건설안전법규 체계
5. 공사 관계자별 안전관리 역할
5.1 관리감독자의 역할
5.2 발주자 및 현장소장의 역할
5.3 설계자 및 감리자의 역할
6. 설문조사 결과
6.1 사고의 책임여부
6.2 설문집단별 본인의 책임비율
6.3 설문집단별 최저가낙찰가에 따른 비율
6.4 공사금액별 사고의 책임여부
7. 설문조사 분석
8. 결론
9. 참고문헌


  • 김춘수 Kim Chun Soo. 건축사사무소 다다그룹
  • 강경식 Kyung-Sik Kang. 명지대학교 산업경영공학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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