A Study on International Logistics Network Design based on CIS region - Focusing on Business Case
CIS nations are recognized as a emerging market recently because there are abundant natural resources and a lots of investment demand. Furthermore, they are located in the middle of Europe and Asia and that make them have more strategic importance as a logistics hub. So many global companies including domestic ones began to advance into the on-site. and henceforth this tendency will be strong. On the contrary, a research in logistics environment of CIS has rarely been done. This paper provides a way of systematic approach to design logistics network in CIS with real business case and shows the analyzed result of optimization simulation that includes factors have a huge influence on the overall logistics cost.
1. 서론
2. 선행 연구 및 동향
2.1 CIS 지역물류 선행연구
2.2 물류네트워크 모델링과 설계 연구동향
2.3 수리적 모델 연구
3. 물류네트워크 요구사항과 모델구축
3.1 물류네트워크 요구사항분석
3.2 CIS 물류환경 및 제약 분석
3.3 최적화 시뮬레이션 방법론
4. 결과 및 시사점
5. 참고문헌