

유방촬영 시 비스무스를 이용한 새로운 차폐복의 차폐효과와 유용성 연구


A Study on Shielding Effect and Usability of the New Shielding Using Bismuth During Mammography

권지혜, 김유성, 김혁, 장수진, 정선주, 서선열, 유수정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, mammography was conducted with Lorad Selenia from HOLOGIC. The phantoms used were Female rando phantom from THE PHANTOM LABORATORY and ACR phantom from GAMMEX RMI. The dosimeters used were the glass dosimeter reader FDG1000 and PLD from CHIYODA TECHNOL. The shielding used to compare and determine the amount of scattered ray in this study were lead shielding gear with a thickness of 0.25mm from INFAB and a customized bismuth shielding with a thickness of 0.2mm(2 layers of 0.1mm). The conditions were 28kVp, 65mAs for CC view and 30kVp, 85mAs for MLO view. The exposure dose by scattered ray were measured from thyroid, breast on the opposite side and gonad (hereafter called critical organs) without any shieldings for the first experiment, then measured four times each with lead shielding for the next experiment, and measured four times each with bismuth shielding for the third experiment. The average dose for each critical organ without shieldings were 135.75μGy, 649.67μGy and 546.25μGy, With lead shielding, the numbers were 0μGy, 63μGy and 1.5μGy, and 6.25μGy, 12.25μGy and 26.5μGy with bismuth shielding. Therefore, the lead and bismuth shielding have reduced 95.364% and 93.550% of exposure dose. Use of shielding s during mammography reduces the exposure dose on critical organs and other organs of the patient, and despite the similar shielding rate, the new shielding using bismuth is useful in shielding thyroid and gonad considering the mobility of the patient, light weight and thickness of the shielding.


1. 서론
2. 대상 및 방법
2.1 실험기기
2.2 실험방법
3. 결과
3.1 차폐체 사용 전 측정결과
3.2 납 차폐체 사용 후 측정결과
3.3 제작한 비스무스 차폐체 사용 후 측정결과
3.4 비교 분석
4. 고찰
5. 결론
6. 참고문헌


  • 권지혜 Ji-Hye Kwon. 을지대학교
  • 김유성 Yoo-Sung Kim. 을지대학교
  • 김혁 을지대학교
  • 장수진 Su-Jin Jang. 을지대학교
  • 정선주 Seon- Ju Jeong. 을지대학교
  • 서선열 Sun-Youl Seo. 을지대학교
  • 유수정 Su- Jeong Yoo. 서울성모병원

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