

Error Patterns and Interference Features of French-Speaking Learners of KSL/KFL


Seong-Sook Yim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper presents the characteristics and causes of Korean errors made by French-Speaking learners of KSL/KFL. We studied a corpus constituted of typical oral and written error sentences produced by 70 students attending the Korean language courses at the University of Montreal in Canada. According to the non-contrastive approach, error is defined as a ‘transitional language’, not as a ‘something wrong’. The errors were classified and analyzed into 8 categories: pronunciation, spelling, particle, word order, verb suffix, tense, politeness and vocabulary. By applying the inference theory of J.C. Richards, we explained what constraints learners would be facing when assimilating the target language and what type of interferences lead them to produce errors. Our findings show that errors represent their transitional language performed at a particular stage of the acquisition and can be caused by interference of their mother tongue and also by interference of Korean development and/or intra-lingual complexity.


1. Introduction
 2. Methodology and Corpus
 3. Findings: Error Patterns and Interference
  3.1 Pronunciation Error and Interference
  3.2 Orthography Error and Interference
  3.3 Particle Error and Interference
  3.4 Verbal Suffix Error and Interference
  3.5 Tense Error and Interference
  3.6 Politeness Expression Error and Interference
  3.7 Word Order Error and Interference
  3.8 Vocabulary Error and Interference
 4. Conclusion


  • Seong-Sook Yim University of Montreal


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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