

통사적 구성 단어의 내적 구조 표시


A Study on the Representation of the Syntactic Word Structure in Korean Dictionaties


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The dictionary related with words has many information, for example, their lexical meaning, morphological information and syntactic information, etc. However, for the dictionary of existing information which relates with the inner structure of a word is not accurate and detailed. The inner structure of a word has very important morphological information such as a word's formation process, productivity of a word's constituent units, etc. None the less, representations of a words' inner structure in the dictionaries of existing are not correct and are optional as well. This study attempts to describe correctly the inner structure of syntactical words in the dictionaries. In Korean, the syntactic word's structures have three types such as a ‘X-ending-X’ type, a ‘X-X-ending’ type and a ‘X-ending’ type. They have two basis and a ending in common. In Korean dictionaries, these three types have the inner structure as follows; (1) ‘X-ending-X’ type → [ X - ending ][ X ], (2) ‘X-X-ending’ type → [[ X ] [ X ] ending ], or [ X ] [[ X ] ending ], (3) ‘X-ending’ type → [[ X ] ending ]. In these cases, [ ] is indicated a synchronic unit or synchronic relations between units, and - is indicated a diachronic unit or diachronic relations between units.


1. 들어가기
 2. 표제항의 내적 구조 표시와 사전 편찬
 3. 표제항의 내적 구조 표시 대상과 표시 방법
  3.1 표제항 내적 구조 표시와 관련 문제
  3.2 통사적 구성 단어의 구조와 유형
 4. 통사적 구성 단어의 사전 등재 표기와 방안
  4.1 통사적 구성 단어와 사전에서의 등재 방식
  4.2 사전 등재 표기의 올바른 방향
 5. 마무리


  • 권경희 Gyeong-hui Gwon. 동아대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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