‘Geumhyang2ho’, a new brown and labor-saving variety of Flammulina velutipes, was bred by spontaneous crossing between ‘Geumhyang’ and ‘Garlmoe’ during demonstration cultivation in bag culture farm of oyster mushroom in 2013. During bottle cultivation, the temperature was maintained at 16oC; the variety displayed good quality compared to the control (‘Geumhyang’), without necessitating vinyl cone treatment. The time periods necessary for mycelial growth, fruit body growth, and primordia formation were 24 days, 11 days, and 8 days, respectively. The total cultivation period was 43 days, which was 2 days longer than that of the control. The pileus diameter was smaller, but the pileus thickness and stipe diameter were greater than those of the control. The pileus color was yellowish ivory, which was very similar to that of the control. The yield of ‘Geumhyang2ho’ was 118 g per 850 ml bottle, which was markedly lower than that for bottle cultivation with vinyl cone treatment. However, its good quality suggests the potential of the labor-saving bottle-based cultivation of ‘Geumhyang2ho’ without vinyl cone treatment in oyster mushroom farms.
재료 및 방법
시험균주 배양 및 자실체 특성조사
DNA 다형성 검정
결과 및 고찰
균사 배양 특성
재배적 특성
DNA 다형성 분석
기타 재배상의 유의점