

Culture Convergence (CC)

A Novel Architecture for Mobile Crowd and Cloud computing for Health care




The rapid pace of growth in internet usage and rich mobile applications and with the advantage of incredible usage of internet enabled mobile devices the Green Mobile Crowd Computing will be the suitable area to research combining with cloud services architecture. Our proposed Framework will deploy the eHealth among various health care sectors and pave a way to create a Green Mobile Application to provide a better and secured way to access the Products/ Information/ Knowledge, eHealth services, experts / doctors globally. This green mobile crowd computing and cloud architecture for healthcare information systems are expected to lower costs, improve efficiency and reduce error by also providing better consumer care and service with great transparency to the patient universally in the field of medical health information technology. Here we introduced novel architecture to use of cloud services with crowd sourcing.


1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Proposed Architecture for Crowd Computing and Cloud Computing
4. Conclusion


  • Rethina kumar Assistant Professor, Information and Comm., Dong Seoul University. Research Scholar, Bharathidasan University.
  • Gopinath Ganapathy Registrar , Bharathidasan University.
  • Jeong-Jin Kang Professor, Information and Comm., Dong Seoul University.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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