

Analysis of the local superconducting properties in YBCO coated conductors with striations



In order to realize economical applications, it is important to reduce the ac loss of 2G high-temperature superconductor coated conductors. It seems to be reasonable that a multi-filamentary wire can decrease the magnetization loss. In this study, we prepared two samples of YBCO coated conductors with striations. We measured local superconducting properties of both samples by using Low Temperature Scanning Laser and Hall Probe Microscopy (LTSLHPM). The distribution of the local critical temperature of samples was analyzed from experimental results of Low Temperature Scanning Laser Microscopy (LTSLM) near the superconducting transition temperature. According to LTSLM results, spatial distributions of the local critical temperature of both samples are homogeneous. The local current density and the local magnetization in samples were explored from measuring stray fields by using Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy (SHPM). From SHPM results, the remanent field pattern of the one bridge sample in an external magnetic field confirms the Bean’s critical state model and the three bridge sample has similar remanent field pattern of the one bridge sample. The local magnetization curve in the three bridge sample was measured from external fields from -500 Oe to 500 Oe. We visualized that the distribution of local hysteresis loss are related in the distribution of the remanent field of the three bridge sample. Although the field dependence of the critical current density must be taken into account, the relation of the local hysteresis loss and the remanent field from Bean’s model was useful.




  • Muyong Kim Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
  • Sangkook Park Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
  • Heeyeon Park Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
  • Hyeong-Cheol Ri Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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