

Connection Management Scheme using Mobile Agent System




The mobile agent paradigm can be exploited in a variety of ways, ranging from low-level system administration tasks to middle ware to user-level applications. Mobile agents can be useful in building middle-ware services such as active mail systems, distributed collaboration systems, etc. An active mail message is a program that interacts with its recipient using a multimedia interface, and adapts the interaction session based on the recipient’s responses. The mobile agent paradigm is well suitable to this type of application, since it can carry a sender-defined session protocol along with the multimedia message. Mobile agent communication is possible via method invocation on virtual references. Agents can make synchronous, one-way, or future-reply type invocations. Multicasting is possible, since agents can be aggregated hierarchically into groups. A simple check-pointing facility has also been implemented. Another proposed solution is to use multi agent computer systems to access, filter, evaluate, and integrate this information. We will present the overall architectural framework, our agent design commitments, and agent architecture to enable the above characteristics. Besides, the each information needed a mobile agent system such as text, graphic, image, audio and video etc, constructed a great capacity multimedia database system. However, they have problems in establishing connections over multiple subnetworks, such as no end-to-end connections, transmission delay due to ATM address resolution, no QoS protocols. We propose a new connection management scheme in the thesis to improve the connection management involved of mobile agent systems.


1. Introduction
2. Research and Implementation Environment about Mobile Agent System
3. The Mobile Agent System by using both RDBMS and ATM API
4. The Embodiment of Remote Control Agent System
5. Conclusions


  • Hee-Kyoung Lim SW Convergence Education Institute, Chosun University, Gwangju
  • Sang-Hyun Bae Department of Computer science & Statistics, Chosun University
  • Kwang-Ok Lee SW Convergence Education Institute, Chosun University, Gwangju


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