



Comparative Research on the Security System of China and South Korea Imported Food


康贞花, 郭梦婕

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With the globalization of the economy, the transaction volume of imported food in the world continues to increase, and the issue of imported food safety is becoming increasingly prominent. In order to prevent imported food safety risks in a timely and effective manner, countries around the world try to construct a scientific and efficient import food safety guarantee system so as to ensure the safety of imported food. China has the world’s largest economic and consumption market and has become the largest country in food as well as agricultural trade. Imported food has become an important part of Chinese consumers’demands. And Korean food is increasingly favored by the Chinese consumers. So far, China has basically established an all-round and multi-level imported food safety guarantee system. As a food importer in the world which has its representativeness, South Korea imports food from more than 170 countries around the world every year. The proportion of imported foods on Korean tables continues to increase. Among the South Korea’s imported foods, the quantity and scale of Chinese imports have been greatly increased since 2000 because of its low price as well as superior geographical location. On December 20, 2015, China and South Korea signed a free trade agreement, which was an important opportunity for China and South Korea to further expand food imports. At present, there are several issues existing in China's food safety assurance system, such as construction shortages of imported food safety laws, regulations and standard system, further improvement of its supervision system, lack of risk analysis and management in imported food safety guarantees, unshaped integrated and unified food safety public information system and so on. China should actively learn advanced experiences and practices of other countries such as South Korea to accelerate the revision and improvement of imported food safety laws, regulations and standards, establish a unified, efficient and authoritative imported food safety supervision system, center on its risk analysis and management, speed up the construction of the imported food safety public information system, so that make the food trade between China and South Korea smoothly, and finally promote the rapid economic development of two countries.


随着经济全球化, 世界各国进口食品交易量不断增加, 随之进口食品安全问题也日益突出。 为 及时、 有效预防进口食品安全风险, 世界各国试图通过构建科学、 高效的进口食品安全保障体系, 保障进口食品安全。 中国拥有世界上最大的经济及消费市场, 已经成为食品农产品贸易第一大国。 进口食品已经成 为中国居民消费需求的重要组成部分。 韩国产食品日益受到中国消费者的青睐。 中国目前已经基本 建立了全方位、 多层次的进口食品安全保障体系。 作为世界上具有代表性的食品进口国, 韩国每年 从全世界170多个国家进口食品。 进口食品在韩国餐桌所占的比例持续增加。 韩国进口的食品中中 国产食品以其低廉的价格及地理位置上的优越性, 2000年以来进口数量和规模有了大幅度的增加。 2015年12月20日, 中国和韩国签订了自由贸易协定, 这是中韩两国之间进一步扩大食品进口的重要 契机。 目前中国食品安全保障体系中存在进口食品安全法律法规和标准体系的建设不足、 进口食品 安全监管体制有待进一步理顺、 进口食品安全保障中风险分析和管理不足以及未形成全面、 统一的 进口食品安全信息公开体系等问题。 中国应积极借鉴韩国等国家的先进经验和做法, 加快进口食品 安全法律法规和标准的修改和完善, 建设统一、 高效、 权威的进口食品安全监管体系, 将风险分析 和管理作为进口食品安全保障的中心, 加快进口食品安全信息公开体系的建设, 从而顺利实现中韩 食品贸易, 促进两国经济的快速发展。


Ⅱ. 中韩进口食品安全保障体系比较
Ⅲ. 中国进口食品安全保障体系的不足
Ⅳ. 中国进口食品安全保障体系的未来发展
Ⅴ. 结论


  • 康贞花 강정화. 延边大学法学院副教授, 法学博士.
  • 郭梦婕 곽몽첩. 延边大学法学院硕士研究生.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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